Get the TRIAL Version, and Experience All Its Features!
Want convenient and easy way to keep in touch with your clients and prospects? Try G-Lock EasyMail7.
The 14-day trial version of G-Lock EasyMail7 allows you to have 1 user and 1 workplace, send 250 messages per hour, 1,000 emails per day and 12,000 emails per month, and make 3 spam and Inbox placement tests.
No limits in features, contact groups or recipients!
G-Lock EasyMail7 is a great leap forward in email marketing applications, it makes things a lot easier and improves functionality.
But don’t take our word for it. Download the trial version of G-Lock EasyMail7 right now and try it for yourself!The trial version of G-Lock EasyMail7 requires activation. After startup, it will ask for your email address and name. You must enter your email address and name on the program activation form, get the key and activate the trial version.